Benefits of Gelatin for hair growth and overall health.

Hi guys, Many times I try to remember who told me growing old was fun. Or maybe it was the freedom I saw adults express that was so enviable I couldn't wait to be a big girl too. I'm in my mid twenties and already I'm beginning to think of an adventure to Neverland. I"ll … Continue reading Benefits of Gelatin for hair growth and overall health.

What you need to know about Bentonite clay wash.

Hi Beaus, Of course you are a beau coming back here after my hiatus. Now this hiatus also affected my hair. It went on a sabbatical which is highly recommended if you are at that point with your hair where you just can't deal with it. My hair is back and the heart did grow … Continue reading What you need to know about Bentonite clay wash.

Lets speak Hair!

Happy new month chicas! If you decided you like the natural hair movement and you started making some research on blogs and youtube videos, you've probably come across some words that made you confuzzled. Whatever do they mean by No poo, Pre poo??? Poo? It must be a joke. Then you come across terms like … Continue reading Lets speak Hair!